Wednesday, April 29, 2015

McLuhan and Morozov on Myspace


Myspace is an interesting way for the internet to help musicians collaborate in their field. There is a loss of privacy in them sharing their work, but they gain so much in return through being able to see the work of others. I would say McLuhan would be a fan of this site, because Myspace is working toward their medium (an online interface for musicians) to be the message (the music and the collaboration that comes out of their connectivity).


Morozov may not have had too many problems with the site, since 1) you have the ability to have a private profile and 2) there is not much space for collaboration outside of the music industry, so there is not much content that can be released about a person that they cannot restrict or protect. It is a fairly safe site in that way. Myspace censors the type of content that can be uploaded (only photos/videos and music), which is closer to his ideal world than McLuhans in that respect.

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