Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Future of Myspace

Myspace does not currently accept payment in any form outside of Ad space and their iPhone and Android app's ad space. I don't know where Myspace will move with the future of BitCoin; will it start charging people for use or to listen to music? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Myspace is currently hiring for offices in Brooklyn, NY and in the UK, but recently suffered a massive lay-off, so I don't know how easy it would be to find a job there (or how profitable). They seem to be looking for Graphic Designers and Social Media Marketing Administrators. I don't see a lot of other openings or position types listed online.

Myspace does not currently accept payment for any sharing of content on Myspace, but there could be a system set up to accept payment for downloads of videos or song downloads for new and upcoming artists. They could also set up some sort of music-mentorship program for people who want to learn what the industry is like or learn a new skill. There is a market for things like this, but Myspace has not yet evolved to meet those industry needs.

Net Neutrality
In The Internet's Own Boy, the SOPA and PIPA blackouts were mentioned to be widespread across major internet sites, but Myspace did not participate in this movement. This could have been due to lack of administration during the business change-over, or it could be due to lack of interest in the site. It was not disclosed why they did not participate. Net Neutrality is a good thing for a site like Myspace, where it is not a leading site, it may not get the bandwidth it deserves without the movement. I was initially surprised it did not participate in the original blackout, but then I took note of the timeline of the event and the timeline of the company's new ownership, and it made more sense.

Open Source
Currently, Myspace supports the embedding of open source widgets on its pages, but the overall site is not open source. It uses SQL Server for its database of information. Most of the rest of the site design uses other Microsoft applications. There isn't much promotion of open source software or concepts on the site or in its documentation.

Influence and Attention on Myspace
Myspace certainly has it's major users: big bands and big artists as well as those promoted. There are artists and bands with more connections than others, and those are considered the most "influential". The main promotion for popular Myspace users is the home page where popular videos and mixes are displayed to all users. These would be your Top 40 artists that are typically thought to be the most popular at the time. This changes, of course, as the top songs and top videos change.

My Future with Myspace
I will probably delete my profile once this project has ended. I dislike the interface, and I have other venues for finding music and music videos.

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